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Work Placement Employment Programme – Placements in Kildare:
WPEP Placements
What is the Work Placement Experience Programme?
The new Work Placement Experience Programme was launched earlier this month (July 2021) as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic which has displaced a lot of workers.
The information below will give you an outline of the new scheme:
What the Work Placement Experience Programme is
The Work Placement Experience Programme allows employers to host a jobseeker on a work experience placement and to help the jobseeker to build new skills and gain valuable work experience.
The programme is targeted at jobseekers that are on certain social welfare payments for 6 months (156 days) and want to avail of training and work experience to re-engage with the job market.
Employers who host a WPEP participant will provide a placement for 6 months. Participation must be for 30 hours per week, which must be completed over 4 or 5 days in each week. The 30 hours includes time spent on training.
There is no cost to the host/employer; the participant will be paid by the Department of Social Protection during their work placement.
The WPEP payment will be €306 per week. No top-up payments to the participant are permitted. However, where a Participant incurs expenses that have been approved in advance, these expenses may be reimbursed by the Host to the Participant on a vouched basis (receipt).
The Work Placement Experience Programme is open to employers in the private, public, civil service, community and voluntary sectors.
A host must have a minimum of 1 full-time employee who is employed for 30 hours or more per week (that is, on payroll and subject to PAYE and PRSI).
A number of Training and Development supports are provided to facilitate a quality learning experience for the Participant and to ensure that the Host has access to the necessary training infrastructure that can deliver a meaningful work placement experience for both the Participant and the Host. The Participant is expected to complete at least 60 hours of Training while on the Work Placement of which 20 hours should be accredited or sector specific training.
The Department of Social Protection and Education and Training Boards (ETBs) across Ireland have numerous supports through free and funded training courses which participants on this scheme can avail of in order to attain their accredited training.