
The Enterprise Skills Programme is now recruiting for May 2023.


This is a specialised Community Employment (CE) Programme for those eligible with a clear business idea business, to participant in specific training focused on starting their own business, for 19.5 hours a week, over 14 weeks (standard CE rates apply). I’ve attached the programme flyer with more details. I’ve also listed some points below, that may useful:
🟠 The programme will run two days a week (generally Tuesday & Wednesday), with one full day in person (generally Tuesdays) and a morning online (generally Wednesdays). Participants will also have 1:2:1 mentoring sessions with the ESP Co-ordinator & with a professional accountant & marketer.
🟠 Participants will complete the Level 5 in Marketing Practice & receive QQI certification on completion.
🟠 Additional training available – where required for the participants business idea, funding can be applied for to support that
🟠 Some aspects of the programme will also be delivered online, therefore, applicants will ideally have some basic IT skills, use of a laptop & access to decent wifi coverage.
🟠 Positions are advertised on jobsirealnd.ie: Ref: #CES-2270693 https://jobsireland.ie/en-US/job-Details?id=2270693
🟠 Interviews will be organised for applicants
Contact Paula – 086-021060 – paula@countykildarelp.ie

For More see poster: