Expressions of Interest for New Voluntary Board Members

County Kildare LEADER Partnership
Is seeking
Expressions of Interest for Volunteer Board Members
County Kildare LEADER Partnership CLG is seeking Expressions of Interest from the general public in County Kildare for individuals who are interested in representing the community and voluntary sector on the Board of Directors of our Company.
About Us
County Kildare LEADER Partnership CLG is a not for profit Local Development Company, limited by guarantee and a registered charity that has been operational since January 2009. The Company has a Board of Directors, sub committees, and staff that are focused on supporting communities and individuals to improve their quality of life and play a full and active role in their local community.
County Kildare LEADER Partnership is currently responsible for the implementation of the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP), and the Rural Development Programme/LEADER. The Company is also sponsor to two Community Employment Schemes, implementing body for TUS and the Rural Social Schemes, the Asylum Seeker and Migrant Integration Fund and runs the Heads Up programme, Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme, Older Voices Kildare and the Kildare Small Jobs Service. The Company also hosts projects with a strong social inclusion focus on behalf of Government agencies and Kildare County Council.
Local Development Company: Voluntary Board and Committee work
Kildare Town Community Development Centre, Meadow Road, Kildare Town ,County Kildare, Eircode: R51 RF88
What’s Required
The Board of Directors of County Kildare LEADER Partnership is responsible for the implementation of our new draft Company Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028 as well as oversight of financial management and corporate governance and full regulatory compliance in relation to all company and charitable activities. The Board meets at least eight times per year and Board members are also engaged in sub committees which support the work of the Company.
New Board members will be committed to advancing the mission of County Kildare LEADER Partnership:
“CKLP exists to advance social, economic, and cultural inclusion in County Kildare. We do this by supporting and empowering individuals and communities, and by working in partnership with all stakeholders in the County”
Current Vacancies
County Kildare LEADER Partnership is seeking skilled, highly motivated and committed individuals to join our Board of Directors in a voluntary capacity to represent the community and voluntary sector in County Kildare. As a priority, new board members will possess demonstrable skills and/or qualification and/or expertise in one or more of the following areas:
Community and voluntary sector experience
Financial and administrative experience
Legal experience
Charities experience
Corporate governance / compliance experience
Communications and media experience
Working with marginalised communities
Interested volunteers should ideally live in County Kildare, have a good working knowledge of issues impacting on rural and urban communities in County Kildare and knowledge and experience of Ireland’s Charities Regulatory Framework. Training will be made available to new Board members on the Charities Governance Code and other topics appropriate to the Board.
If you are interested in joining our Board, please send your CV and a letter detailing your interest and skills by email to
Informal enquiries can be made by emailing Further information about our Company can be found at
Closing date for Expressions of Interest is 5 p.m. on Wednesday 6th December 2023.