Back to Education Allowance (BTEA)
This programme lets you take part in full-time educational courses (at 2nd or 3rd level) to get qualifications that will help you to find a job.
You can check your eligibility for the Back To Education Allowance and find more information on the website.
Training Courses – Education and Training Boards (ETBs)
Places on training courses in Education and Training Boards are open to everyone. You can view a wide range of courses from your local ETB and choose the course that best meets your needs.
If you are in receipt of Jobseeker’s Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance and you are accepted on an approved training course, you will receive a training allowance from the ETB while you are on the course.
ETBs run a range of upskilling programmes for employees in the construction sector under initiatives such as Skills to Advance.
For more information on other upskilling opportunities, visit
Part-Time Education Option
The Part Time Education Option lets you keep your Jobseeker’s Allowance or Benefit while you take part in a part-time day, evening or distance education or training course.
You must get approval from your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Office before you can start a course.
Other organisations’ supports
Adult Literacy Services
If you would like to improve your reading, writing, spelling or maths skills, the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) has information on free courses nationwide. You can learn in your local ETB, or over the phone or online with NALA.
Freephone 1800 20 20 65 for more information, or visit
Apprenticeship is a structured education and training programme which blends on-the-job employer-based training with off-the-job education. It combines learning in the workplace with learning in an education or training centre.
After you complete the apprenticeship, you will become recognised as a craftsperson or professional. Apprenticeships are being developed across a wide range of industries and sectors.
Access SOLAS eLearning courses
SOLAS eLearning provides a range of interactive online courses if you prefer to learn at your own pace. You can do these courses for free if you are:
- getting Jobseeker’s Allowance, Jobseeker’s Benefit, Disability Allowance or One Parent Family Allowance, or
- signing on for credits.
If you are employed and want to upskill, you can pay to do a course.
You can access the full range of interactive online learning courses available on the SOLAS eCollege website
Further Education & Training Course Hub (FETCH) provides information about further education and training courses throughout the country such as Post-Leaving Cert courses, traineeships, back to education initiatives and many more.
The courses are offered by a network of further education and training providers across the state, and online through SOLAS eCollege. To find the course that is right for you, visit to search the full listing.
Skillnet Ireland
Skillnet Ireland provides workplace-based training. If you work within the private or commercial semi-state sectors, you can access Skillnet Ireland training through your company. Skillnet training can help you develop new skills to increase your employability and improve your career progression.
Local Enterprise Office
Your Local Enterprise Office can give you advice, information and support in starting or developing your business. The Local Enterprise Office is for people interested in starting a new business as well as those already in business such as entrepreneurs, early-stage promoters, start-ups and small businesses looking to expand in Ireland.
The Springboard+ programme offers free courses at certificate, degree and masters level leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities in the economy. Most of the courses are part-time and last for up to a year. They are open to you whether you are employed, unemployed or returning to the workforce.
Springboard+ courses provide job-readiness training and most offer the opportunity for work placement, project-based learning and industry site visits.
Access the National Learners’ Database
Qualifax is Ireland’s one-stop shop for learners. It has comprehensive information on further and higher education and training courses to help you make informed choices about your education, training and career path.
The Right Course
Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris TD launched a new online portal for people seeking to upskill or retrain.
The online portal – – is a one stop shop for businesses, employees or unemployed persons and outlines the third level options available to them.
This can be a short part-time course, a course for an individual in employment or an option to return to third level.
The one-stop shop outlines the further education and training places and the courses in higher education on offer, and information for those on a social welfare payment.
Business owners are also encouraged to explore the range of upskilling options available from Skillnet Ireland including enterprise-led business supports, targeted upskilling opportunities for employees in businesses, free online training programmes and virtual job placements
Log onto for further details.
Training by Sector
On the Training by Sector page you will find information on some of the current training on offer by sector. Select a sector to view accredited and non-accredited training within that sector. When you select a sector, a PDF document will open in a new window where you can view further details of courses on offer. When you find the course you are interested in you can click the link to bring you straight to that training course.
A new website called Allcourses, which is a course comparison platform for those looking to improve their employable skills and acquire new professional qualifications. The courses listed are provided by training providers from across Ireland and the UK, with the vast majority available for remote study at a learner’s convenience. They cover all sorts of subjects and very few courses listed have any kind of prerequisites to enroll, all you need to do is pay the course fee and you’re good to go.