Our Enterprise Skills Programme is now open for participants – New Session begins on 10th May 2021.

Have you a business idea that you want to develop further?
The (ESP) is for people who have a clear business idea who need to gain the skills and knowledge around starting their own business.
Please note current delivery is primarily online due to covid-19.

You can register on the link below or by contacting paula@countykildarelp.ie


Job Alert .ie –  https://www.jobalert.ie/jobs?location=kildare

JobsIreland –  https://jobsireland.ie/Kildare

Monster – https://www.monster.ie/jobs/Kildare

Irish Jobs.ie –  https://www.irishjobs.ie/Kildare

Jobs.ie – https://www.jobs.ie/kildare_jobs.aspx

Recruit Island.ie – https://recruitisland.ie/jobs/?query=&location=kildare

Recruit Ireland.com – https://www.recruitireland.com/Kildare

Indeed.com –  https://ie.indeed.com/jobs?q=&l=kildare

ActiveLink – https://www.activelink.ie/vacancies?region=kildare&category=All


Also our CE Scheme Places are being advertised in JobsIreland too here:

Caretaker, CKLP Naas


Caretaker / Gardener – CKLP Kildare
