Kildare Integration Network (KIN) is made up of 8 intercultural groups:
- Integrated Platform Sallins
- Sharing Skills Celbridge
- Focolare, Prosperous
- Newbridge Asylum Seekers Support Group
- Women’s Integrated Network (WIN), Athy
- Connecting Communities, Naas
- Faith Family Initiatives (FFI), Kilcock
These intercultural groups are bound together with the common purpose of advancing and promoting integration across the 5 Municipal Districts of County Kildare. As a result, KIN wass central to the Kildare Integration Strategy 2014-2019 and subsequent county integration strategies thereafter.
There is a considerable wealth of experience amongst members of the Network. KIN meets four times per year and has done so since the consultation process of the Kildare Integration Strategy in 2014. KIN is represented on the Kildare Integration Strategy-Steering Committee to further progress the implementation of the actions contained in the current strategy and subsequent Kildare Integration Strategies.
KIN is supported by SICAP staff with administrative support and meeting space for quarterly network meetings.
Mary Hennessy
Kildare Integration & Kildare Traveller Roma Strategies Co-Ordinator