This privacy statement has been created to demonstrate the commitment of Older Voices Kildare to the correct gathering of personal data you may be required to supply to us.
Below are the kinds of information we need to hold as part of our service:
- Name
- Home Address
- Date of Birth
- Next of Kin
- GP / Public Health Nurse
- Medical Card Number
- Any existing health issues
We gather this information to ensure your health and safety during the voluntary visiting service.
As part of our wider programmes like Aging With Confidence and Voices Through Art, where there are group activities, only the following information is required:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Consent to be contacted regarding further programmes
We will make sure that this information is:
- Gathered in an honest and respectful way from you.
- Only used for the reasons we have outlined and to make sure you have a safe and positive experience.
- Only taken for the reasons we have outlined and not for any other purpose.
- Personal data collected and processed must be accurate and (where necessary) kept up to-date.
- Kept only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it was obtained.
- Managed in a way that ensures the safety of the personal data and ensures that only the individual who needs to process the information will have access to it.
Older Voices Kildare is hosted by County Kildare LEADER Partnership who implement a comprehensive Data Protection Policy.
You can request a hard copy at or 045-895450