What is Sláintecare Healthy Communities?
The Sláintecare Healthy Communities initiative is a collaborative effort across various government departments, aimed at reducing health disparities among different communities in Ireland.
Through the SCH program, a range of evidence-based projects are being funded within local communities. These projects are designed to promote positive changes in behavior by increasing awareness and knowledge. They also address specific obstacles to health and well-being.
The Athy Sláintecare Healthy Communities program has fostered strong cooperation among key stakeholders, including the HSE, Kildare County Council, County Kildare Leader Partnership, and Athy Family Resource Centre.
All these entities are united by a shared objective: to enhance the health and well-being of the Athy population.
Key Initiatives
Social Prescribing
Social Prescribing recognises that health is heavily determined by social factors. Supports people to connect with their community and improve their health and well-being.
Sarah – 086-0651635 – sarah@countykildarelp.ie
Anne – 086-4411255 – anned@countykildarelp.ie
Community Food & Nutrition Worker
Implementing strategies to address food poverty, devising programs to combat barrier to health and nutrition & creating a national framework for future provisions to reduce food inequalities.
Contact: cathal@countykildarelp.ie – 087-4081048
Healthy Food Made Easy
6 week nutritional program aimed to equip the participants with the skills to implement a healthier lifestyle & make healthy budget friendly meals.
Contact: annmarie@countykildarelp.ie – 086-1363865
We Can Quit Smoking Services
1:1 and Group programs offering specialised support and medication to successfully quit smoking and stay quit.
Contact: annmarie@countykildarelp.ie – 086-1363865
Parent Plus
8 week program building knowledge and supports in child development and parental mental health.
Contact: Athy Community Family Resource Centre – info@athycfrc.ie – 059-8632889