Please See applications forms for Co-Ordinator Post and Two x Project Workers for the Kildare Ability Programme
Ability Application Form Project Worker Dec 2021
Ability Employment Programme Coordinator Application Form Dec 2021
Kildare Ability Employment Programme Advert Dec 2021
Job Descriptions here:
Ability Programme Employment Project Worker Job Description December 2021
Kildare Employment Ability Project Coordinator Job Description December 2021
The Ability Programme
The Ability Programme provided funding to 27 local, regional and national projects in the Republic of Ireland with a focus on bringing young people with disabilities between the ages of 15 and 29 closer to the labour market.
The programme targeted young people who are not currently work ready using a range of person-centred supports. This type of work assists young people to identify and follow progression routes based on both their potential and their needs. As a result, the programme promoted positive pathways into education, training and employment for participants.
Ability had an overall budget of up to €16m from 2018 to 2021, was co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Department of Social Protection (DSP), and administered by Pobal.
The objectives of Ability were to:
- assist young people with disabilities to develop the confidence and independence required to participate in education, training and employment
- support young people with disabilities who are not in education, employment or training to access and participate in education, training, and employment
- build the capacity of mainstream employment services, education and training providers to support the progression of young people with disabilities
- build the capacity of employers to recruit and retain young people with disabilities within their workforce
Further details are available on Pobal’s website. here.